
Introduction to YAML for Beginners: A Comprehensive Guide

YAML (YAML Ain‘t Markup Language) has become an extremely popular data serialization language, especially for configuration files and APIs. With its human-friendly syntax, YAML strikes a great balance between human readability and machine parsability.

As a data analyst and programming enthusiast, I find YAML to be an indispensable tool in my toolkit. In this comprehensive, 4500+ word guide, I‘ll provide you with a deep dive into everything YAML – from its origins to advanced features. My goal is to give you a full understanding of YAML so you can determine if and when to use it.

A Brief History of YAML

Let‘s start at the beginning – where did YAML come from?

YAML was first developed in 2001 as a human-friendly data serialization standard by Clark Evans. Interestingly, Clark was also involved in the creation of JSON, but he felt JSON‘s syntax was too difficult for humans to comfortably read and edit by hand.

The YAML acronym was chosen to differentiate it from markup languages: YAML Ain‘t Markup Language.

Some key milestones in YAML‘s history:

  • 2001 – Initial YAML draft released
  • 2005 – First YAML parser released for Python
  • 2009 – YAML 1.1 released
  • 2011 – YAML 1.2 released with improved portability between different languages
  • 2022 – Current stable YAML 1.3 release

Over the years since its creation, YAML has been adopted in many major open source projects (like Ansible, Kubernetes, Ruby on Rails, etc) and become a popular format for configuration files across the programming world.

Next we‘ll look at why so many engineers and developers have come to love YAML.

The Benefits of Using YAML over JSON/XML

As a developer, you likely find yourself choosing between serialization formats like JSON, XML, and YAML on a regular basis. What makes YAML stand out?

Human Readable

The core benefit of YAML is readability. YAML files are far less cluttered than XML and a bit easier on the eyes than JSON.

With YAML you can use whitespace indentation, newlines, and simple punctuation to indicate structure. No need for closing tags or braces. This results in YAML files that are easier for humans to scan visually.

As an example, let‘s look at a simple data structure in JSON vs YAML:

  "name": "John Smith",
  "age": 35,
  "points": [243, 17, 219], 
  "tall": true
name: John Smith
age: 35
   - 243
   - 17
   - 219
tall: true  

The YAML version contains the exact same data in a format that is more intuitive for humans to parse.

Parser/Language Friendly

In addition to being human-friendly, YAML was designed from the ground up to be friendly to parsers and programming languages.

JSON and XML can contain ambiguities that make them challenging to parse efficiently and correctly. YAML uses schemas that map well to common data structures like lists, hashes, and scalars.

This makes it easy to find YAML libraries for parsing and dumping YAML in most programming languages including Python, JavaScript, C++, Ruby, Java, and more.

Great for Configuration

One of the most popular uses of YAML is for application configuration files. YAML files strike a nice balance between readability and scanability that makes YAML a great fit for defining config settings.

For example, the Rails framework in Ruby utilizes YAML files for managing configuration and storing translations. The default database.yml file defines the app‘s databases using simple YAML:

default: &default
  adapter: postgresql 
  pool: 5

  <<: *default
  database: myapp_development

  <<: *default
  database: myapp_test

This config structure is easy to understand at a glance.

Portable Between Languages

A well-formed YAML document can be parsed by any YAML parser regardless of language. This makes YAML a great portable format for data exchange.

For example, you can output YAML data from Python then parse it in a Node.js application. The YAML itself acts as a universal middle ground.

Lightweight Syntax

The YAML syntax has very little unnecessary punctuation compared to formats like XML or even JSON. This keeps YAML documents small and tidy.

For example, XML requires closing tags for every element increasing document size. JSON requires quote marks around each key and string value.

YAML‘s minimal syntax results in smaller file sizes and less clutter.

When to Avoid YAML

YAML is extremely useful in many cases, but it‘s not a one-size-fits-all solution. There are some situations where JSON or XML may be preferable:

  • Complex Data Structures: Very intricate object hierarchies can be difficult to express cleanly in YAML. JSON has more robust object support.

  • Lack of Schema: JSON Schema provides a way to formally validate structure that YAML lacks.

  • Security Concerns: YAML parsing has led to security issues like remote code execution. JSON is more secure by default.

  • Performance: YAML can require more extensive processing to parse compared to JSON‘s simple syntax.

So as with any technology, YAML isn‘t a silver bullet. But for many common use cases, it hits the sweet spot between simplicity and functionality.

YAML Basics: Syntax, Data Types, and Structures

Now that we‘ve covered the high-level advantages of YAML, let‘s dig into the basic syntax and components that make up a YAML document.

Basic Syntax Rules

  • Case sensitive: yaml, YAML, and Yaml are all different tags. Capitalization matters.

  • Spacing sensitive: Spaces indicate hierarchy, so how elements are indented matters. Tabs are not allowed.

  • Colons separate keys and values: The colon : followed by a space separates each key-value pair.

  • Commas not used: Unlike JSON, YAML doesn‘t use commas to separate elements. Newlines indicate separate elements.

  • List items marked with dash: Each item in an unordered list starts with a dash - (and space after).

Here is a simple YAML example following these rules:

name: John Smith
age: 35
  - 243  
  - 17
  - 219
tall: true

YAML Data Types

YAML supports both scalar and collection data types:


  • String: Double or single quoted. ‘John Smith‘
  • Integer: Unquoted whole number. 35
  • Float: Decimal version. 13.2
  • Boolean: true or false
  • Null: null or ~
  • Date: ISO-8601 format. 2023-03-17


  • List: Ordered series of values starting with -.
  • Dictionary: Unordered key-value pairs without -.

Here is an example YAML file with different data types:

name: John
age: 35  # integer scalar
points: [243, 17, 219] # list
tall: true # boolean
birthday: 1994-03-02 # date
address: | # multiline string
  123 Main St.
  New York, NY 12345

We can mix and match these data types to create more complex YAML documents.

YAML Structures

Beyond scalars and collections, there are some other important YAML structural elements:

  • Comments: Use hash # for comment lines that are ignored when parsing.

  • Merge Keys: The << merge key combines elements into one list instead of nesting.

  • Anchors: Reuse nodes with the & anchor tag.

  • Aliases: Reference anchors using *alias_name

Here is an example YAML file that uses anchors and aliases:

defaults: &defaults
  adapter: postgres
  host: localhost

  <<: *defaults
  database: app_dev

  <<: *defaults
  database: app_prod 

The &defaults anchor lets us avoid repeating the common config, and <<: *defaults merges those keys under each environment.

These structural elements help keep YAML DRY (Don‘t Repeat Yourself) and readable.

Multi-line Strings

Breaking strings across multiple lines is another technique for improving readability of YAML files.

You can use either the literal block style which respects newlines and indentation:

about: |
  This is a 
  multi-line string
  with preserved newlines  

Or the folded style which treats newlines as spaces:

about: >
  This is a 
  folded multi-line

In both cases, the blank lines indicate a multi-line string in YAML.

Advanced YAML Features

We‘ve covered all the basics, but YAML has some more advanced features that are good to know about:

  • Tags: A tag !my_tag identifies a custom data type in YAML. Tags are commonly used to specify classes in YAML.

  • JSON Compatible: YAML parsers can understand JSON syntax. This allows JSON to be a subset of YAML.

  • Repeated Nodes: YAML supports graph structure with references to repeat node values.

  • Directives: Directives like %YAML 1.3 specify YAML version or configuration options.

While you may not need these features often, they demonstrate YAML‘s flexibility and extensibility beyond the basics.

Parsing YAML in Python

Now let‘s go over how we can parse YAML files into native Python data structures.

The main library for working with YAML in Python is PyYAML. To install it:

pip install pyyaml 

Here is an example data.yaml file:

name: John Smith
age: 35
  - 243
  - 17  

We can parse this into a Python dictionary:

import yaml

with open("data.yaml") as f:
  data = yaml.safe_load(f)


This will print out:

{‘name‘: ‘John Smith‘, ‘age‘: 35, ‘points‘: [243, 17]}

We can also go the other direction by dumping a Python dict to a YAML file:

import yaml

car = {"make": "Ford", "model": "Mustang", "year": 2022}

with open("car.yaml", "w") as f:
  yaml.dump(car, f)

This writes the YAML formatted data to car.yaml.

So PyYAML provides full interoperability between YAML and Python objects.

Using YAML in Node.js

In Node.js, the most popular library for YAML is js-yaml. We can install it via npm:

npm install js-yaml

We can then parse a YAML file:

const fs = require(‘fs‘);
const yaml = require(‘js-yaml‘);

const fileContents = fs.readFileSync(‘data.yaml‘, ‘utf8‘);

const data = yaml.load(fileContents);


And also convert a JavaScript object back into YAML:

const yaml = require(‘js-yaml‘);

const data = {
  name: ‘John‘,
  age: 35,
  points: [243, 17]  

const yamlStr = yaml.dump(data); 


So js-yaml provides full YAML capabilities for Node.js apps.

When to Use YAML

YAML is extremely useful in many situations, but may not always be the best fit:

Use YAML For:

  • Application configuration
  • Storing structured data
  • Data exchange and portability
  • Streamlined APIs
  • Logging
  • Domain-specific language syntax

Avoid YAML For:

  • Large transactions with complex validation
  • Public data exchange requiring stricter schemas
  • Data requiring high security

As with any technology, there are tradeoffs. Hopefully this guide has provided you a comprehensive introduction to help assess if YAML is right for your specific use cases.


YAML delivers simplicity, readability, and versatility – making it a great choice for configuration, basic data structures, and lightweight human-friendly syntax.

I hope this deep dive into all aspects of YAML leaves you with a solid understanding of its capabilities and limitations. If you have any other questions, feel free to reach out! I‘m always happy to discuss technology trends and techniques with fellow data enthusiasts.


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.