
Understanding Docker for Beginners: A Deep Dive into Containers

Containers and Docker have become essential tools for developers and sysadmins. But as a beginner, Docker can seem daunting at first.

In this comprehensive 3k+ word guide, I‘ll walk you step-by-step through the key concepts and commands to master Docker.

By the end, you‘ll have an in-depth understanding of:

  • What exactly containers and Docker are
  • Core components like images, containers, Dockerfile
  • Installing, configuring, and managing Docker
  • Using Docker commands for container lifecycle operations
  • Real-world Docker use cases for development and deployment
  • Container orchestration with Docker Compose and Swarm
  • Best practices for writing Dockerfiles
  • Docker storage drivers and volumes
  • Networking and security considerations

I‘ll provide my own experiences, opinions, and analyses as a Docker power user throughout this guide. My goal is to take you from beginner to intermediate Docker skills by the end.

So let‘s get started!

What is Docker and Why Does it Matter?

First, what exactly is Docker, and why has it become so popular?

Docker is an open source containerization platform for building, distributing, and running portable software containers. It allows developers to package up an application with all its dependencies into a standardized unit – called a container – that can seamlessly run across different environments.

Containers virtualize the application layer, making it possible to deploy software isolately without launching entire virtual machines. This provides huge efficiency and portability benefits compared to VMs.

Here are some key advantages Docker delivers:

  • Consistent environments and dependencies across dev, test, staging, and prod
  • Lightweight and fast – containers have very little overhead
  • Portable across clouds, data centers, OS distributions
  • Agile application development and deployment
  • Microservices architecture support
  • Standardized units for shipping code
  • Built-in isolation and security

According to Statista, Docker adoption has skyrocketed from less than 10% in 2015 to over 50% by 2020. It‘s now the dominant solution for containerization.

As applications grow larger and more complex, being able to bundle all dependencies into a single unit – a container – makes development and deployment immensely simpler. Containers can easily move through different environments without breaking or causing "works on my machine" issues.

Docker has rapidly become the de facto standard for creating and managing containerized applications. Its widespread adoption has helped drive the popularity of containers as a whole.

Now let‘s break down the key components that make Docker tick.

Docker Images, Containers, and Dockerfile Explained

Docker utilizes images, containers, and Dockerfile to build and run containerized apps. Getting these concepts is crucial for understanding how Docker works.

Docker Images

A Docker image is a read-only template that provides the filesystem and configuration for creating a container. Images get layered on top of each other to form the foundation of containers.

Some key points about Docker images:

  • Immutable – can‘t be changed after creation
  • Created from Dockerfile build instructions
  • Stored in a Docker registry like Docker Hub
  • Comprised of multiple layers representing file changes
  • Shared across multiple containers created from the same image

For example, you may create a Docker image containing an OS like Alpine, the Nginx binary, config files, and custom content for your web server.

Images don‘t run directly inside Docker, but they provide the defined environment for containers when instantiated from the image.

Docker Containers

A container is a running instance of a Docker image. When launching a container, you‘re starting a process from that image with an isolated writable file system layered on top. Any changes made inside a container only affect that container.

Containers have the benefits of isolation and repeatability:

  • Isolated environments for each application
  • Changes made inside don‘t impact the image or host
  • Created from images ensuring consistency
  • Standardized units that can move across environments

You can run, stop, start, move, or destroy containers. The container itself is disposable – the persistent data lives in the image and any mounted volumes.

This facilitates portability across clouds, data centers, and other infrastructures.


A Dockerfile is a build script that automates creating Docker images. It contains a set of instructions for assembling a new Docker image step-by-step.

Here is a simple example Dockerfile:

# Start from base Python image
FROM python:3.8-alpine 

# Copy local code to working directory
COPY . /app  

# Install dependencies
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt  

# Set default command to run when starting container
CMD ["python", ""]

Each statement creates a new layer in the image. When you run docker build, the Dockerfile builds the image sequentially based on the instructions.

Key principles for Dockerfiles:

  • Starts with a base image like Alpine or Ubuntu
  • Each step creates a new layer representing file changes
  • Layers get cached to optimize subsequent builds
  • Immutable instructions for building repeatable images
  • Can customize configs, add files, install software as needed

Now let‘s walk through using core Docker commands.

Getting Started with Docker Commands

The best way to understand Docker is to use it hands-on. Here I‘ll demonstrate common Docker commands for containers, images, Dockerfile builds, and more.

These examples require Docker installed locally which you can get here.

Hello World Container

Let‘s start with a simple Hello World example.

First, pull the hello-world image:

docker pull hello-world

Now run a container from that image:

docker run hello-world

This will download the image, create a container, print Hello World message, then exit:

Hello from Docker!
This message shows that your installation appears to be working correctly.

Easy enough! This verifies that Docker is configured properly.

Now let‘s move on to more useful examples.

Run a MongoDB Container

To demonstrate something more practical, we can launch a MongoDB database inside a Docker container.

First, ensure you have the MongoDB image:

docker pull mongo

Next, run the image mapping port 27017 and mounting our local data volume:

docker run -d --name mongodb -p 27017:27017 -v data:/data/db mongo

This will start MongoDB in the background containerized and persisting data to the data folder on our host.

We can then connect and use MongoDB directly inside the container.

Starting and Stopping Containers

You can start, stop, and restart containers as needed using these commands:

# Stop a running container
docker stop container_name

# Start an existing stopped container
docker start container_name

# Restart a container
docker restart container_name 

This allows managing the lifecycle of your containers on demand.

Removing Containers

To remove containers when no longer needed:

# Remove a stopped container 
docker rm container_name

# Remove all stopped containers
docker container prune

Remember that only the container itself is deleted – not the underlying image or any external mounted volumes.

Container Information

View details on your containers using:

# List all running containers
docker ps

# List all containers (running and stopped) 
docker ps -a 

# Show live resource usage statistics
docker stats

This allows inspecting current container status, uptime, port mappings, and resource usage.

Building Custom Images with Dockerfile

You can automate image builds using a Dockerfile.

First, create a simple Dockerfile:

FROM alpine
RUN apk add --update py3-pip
COPY . /app
RUN pip3 install -r requirements.txt

ENTRYPOINT ["python3", ""]

Next, build the image from this Dockerfile:

docker build -t myimage .

This will run the Dockerfile sequentially, resulting in a custom image called myimage ready to be used.

We‘ve just scratched the surface of Dockerfile instructions and syntax. But this should provide a basic workflow for creating your own Docker images.

Real-World Docker Use Cases

Now that you‘re familiar with Docker concepts and basics, let‘s look at common use cases. This will help reveal why Docker is so powerful.

Simplifying Dependency Management

Dependencies and configurations can become a development nightmare. Docker simplifies this by allowing the exact same environment across different machines.

For example, you can build an image containing your application code, Node 14, and NPM libraries. This bundles all dependencies into a repeatable artifact that "just works" anywhere.

No more wrestling with dependency hell as you move code around. With Docker, if it runs locally, it will run the same everywhere else.

Achieving Consistency

Docker‘s immutable images provide consistent, reproducible environments as you move code between dev, test, staging, and production.

Since the image never changes, you can rely on applications behaving the same way in each environment. No more "works on my machine" bugs that happen at the worst times!

Containers also facilitate continuous integration and delivery workflows. Docker ensures each incremental change can be validated consistently as code flows through pipelines.

Developing Microservices

Docker enables building distributed microservices architectures.

Different microservices with incompatible dependencies and configs can run safely isolated in their own containers. Containers provide ideal decoupling for services to develop and scale independently.

Lightweight containers have minimal overhead, making it efficient to run many containers side-by-side on the same infrastructure.

Accelerating Developer Workflows

Docker improves developer productivity in several ways:

  • Replicating production environments locally for debugging
  • Shared volumes allow live code updates without restarting containers
  • Standard images available for all needed languages and tools
  • Easy environment setup – just pull an image and start coding
  • Clean separation between app code and environment

Developers can focus on writing code rather than configuring machines. Overall agility and velocity increase with Docker-driven workflows.

Simplifying Deployments

Docker helps streamline application deployments by providing standardized, reproducible units.

Containers include all the dependencies and configurations needed to run the application. This "build once, run anywhere" approach prevents environment-specific bugs when deploying.

Ops teams can have confidence in releasing containers built by developers into higher environments. Managing deployments becomes much easier using Docker.

Best Practices for Writing Dockerfiles

When building custom Docker images, following best practices ensures optimal performance, security, and reproducibility. Here are some key guidelines for crafting excellent Dockerfiles.

Start with a Small Base Image

Choose a minimal base image like Alpine Linux to reduce attack surface and unnecessary packages. Avoid fat images like Ubuntu unless you specifically need the extra utilities.

Leverage Build Caching

Place commands that change less often at the top to maximize build cache hits. This avoids unnecessary rebuilds of earlier layers.

Use .dockerignore File

Add a .dockerignore to avoid including local files not needed in the image. This speeds up builds by reducing context.

Don‘t Install Unnecessary Packages

Only install essential packages to keep images lean. Avoid extras like text editors, debug tools, etc.

Avoid Default Passwords

Never use default credentials or secrets. Passwords should be specified externally or generated.

Follow Best Practices for Your Language

Adhere to language-specific best practices for organization, dependency management, and configuration.

Use Smaller Command Chains

Break down long RUN commands into multiple lines for readability. Apply the single responsibility principle.

Leverage Multi-Stage Builds

Use multi-stage builds to copy only necessary artifacts from build stages into the final image.

Don‘t Store Sensitive Data in Images

Sensitive data like keys should be passed in externally using secrets. Don‘t bake them into images.

Prefer COPY Over ADD

ADD unnecessarily extracts archives and has other edge case handling. Use COPY for most use cases.

Docker Storage and Volumes

Docker provides different options for persisting data beyond the container‘s lifetime. Let‘s look at storage drivers and volumes.

Storage Drivers

The Docker storage driver controls how image and container data is stored on your host machine. Common options include:

  • OverlayFS – Native Linux driver, performs well, supports layering
  • Btrfs – Also native, fast copies on write
  • ZFS – Excellent for performance, snapshots, and volume management
  • DeviceMapper – Original Docker storage driver, stable

Choosing a storage driver depends on your OS, filesystem, and performance needs. The default OverlayFS works well for most general use cases.

Data Volumes

Docker volumes provide permanent external storage for containers. This persists data even when containers get deleted or upgraded.

Some key points about volumes:

  • Stored in the host filesystem or external devices
  • Mounted into containers at runtime
  • Changes made in volumes appear immediately
  • Volumes can be shared between containers
  • Managed through Docker CLI or Compose

For example, you can mount host directories like /data or /opt/database into containers to persist database files or any other external state.

Volumes avoid losing important persistent data when containers get recycled.

Networking and Security with Docker

Proper networking and security practices are important when running Docker. Let‘s discuss some best practices.

Container Networking

By default, containers run on a private internal bridge network within the Docker host. Each container on the bridge can communicate with each other through IP addresses.

You can also attach containers to different network bridges, or linked Docker networks to enable networking between containers across hosts.

Best practices include:

  • Leveraging custom Docker networks to isolate groups of containers
  • Publishing ports externally only when explicitly needed
  • Avoiding exposing database containers to external networks
  • Using the host network for containers that need raw host access

Following networking best practices limits attack surfaces and reduces risks.


Docker has many built-in security advantages, including isolation, read-only images, and process sandboxing. However, properly configuring Docker from a security perspective is still important:

  • Limit container privileges to only what is absolutely needed
  • Scan images for known vulnerabilities
  • Sign and verify images are from trusted sources
  • Use Docker secrets for sensitive data like passwords
  • Follow the principle of least privilege for Docker daemon and API access
  • Integrate Docker with security tools like firewalls and monitoring

Adhering to security best practices will help keep your Docker environment safe.

Orchestrating Containers at Scale with Compose and Swarm

When running containers in production, you need tooling to manage and scale deployments. This is where Docker Compose and Swarm come in.

Docker Compose

Docker Compose allows you to define and run multi-container Docker applications.

Use a YAML file to configure application services, networks, volumes, etc. Then spin everything up in one command:

docker-compose up

This makes development and testing with complex containerized apps much quicker.

I heavily utilize Compose for local development when working with microservices. It simplifies coordinating all the moving parts.

Docker Swarm

Docker Swarm provides native clustering for running Docker at scale in production. It turns a pool of Docker hosts into a single virtual Docker host.

You can use Swarm to:

  • Schedule and run containers across many nodes
  • Efficiently manage multi-node environments
  • Scale applications across data centers
  • Roll out application updates incrementally

Together, Compose and Swarm provide a robust orchestration solution taking you all the way from local development to distributed deployments.

Wrapping Up

That wraps up this comprehensive beginner‘s guide to Docker. We covered a ton of ground!

To recap, you learned:

  • Key concepts like images, containers, and Dockerfile
  • Common Docker commands for managing apps
  • Real-world use cases and best practices
  • Storage, networking, and security considerations
  • Scaling apps with Docker Compose and Swarm

You should now have a strong grasp of containers and be able to start leveraging Docker for your own projects.

The official Docker documentation is also a fantastic resource I highly recommend.

I hope you enjoyed this guide. Let me know if you have any other Docker questions!


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.