
30+ Free War Thunder Accounts – The Ultimate Starter Pack

As an avid gamer and streaming expert, I understand the thrill of piloting iconic vehicles across vivid battlescapes in War Thunder. With over 30 million players globally, this free-to-play combat game offers intense PvP and PvE battles where you dogfight planes, drive tanks, and command naval vessels from the pre-World War II era to the Cold War.

While War Thunder is free, having a premium account provides significant bonuses that accelerate your progress. As a technology geek who loves optimizing gaming, I‘ve compiled this ultimate list of 30+ free premium War Thunder accounts to give you a headstart. Read on as I provide detailed insights into War Thunder, the benefits of premium accounts, and how you can redeem these accounts to immediately jump into the action!

A Primer on War Thunder for New Players

For those new to War Thunder, here‘s a quick snapshot of what this game is all about:

  • Hybrid Combat – Fight in the air, on land, and at sea using planes, tanks, and warships from the 1930s to the 1990s.

  • Massive Arsenal – Access over 1200 historically accurate vehicles from nations like the USA, Germany, USSR, Britain, Japan, Italy, France, and more. Recreate iconic battles from World War II to the Korean War or alter history!

  • Cutting Edge Graphics – Immerse yourself in next-gen graphics with sophisticated damage models, weather effects, and highly detailed vehicle models that replicate real-world performance.

  • Realistic Physics – Accurate flight models, tank mechanics, and naval warfare systems make battles intense and authentic. Factor in ammo types, recoil, local armor thickness, and other parameters.

  • PvP and PvE – Battle against human players and AI across 30+ maps ranging from the Sahara Desert to the Pacific Ocean. PvP battles support up to 32 players.

  • Free-to-Play – Download and play War Thunder for free on PC, PS4, PS4 Pro, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S. Monetization is limited to premium accounts and unlocking new content faster.

With a game this epic in scale, having a premium account makes progression much easier. Let‘s examine the benefits you gain.

Why a Premium Account is Essential for Faster Progression

While War Thunder is free-to-play, premium accounts provide a bevy of bonuses that dramatically accelerate your progress. Here are some of the key advantages:

  • Increased XP and Silver Lions – You earn 50-100% more experience (XP) and in-game currency (Silver Lions) from each battle, allowing you to research new vehicles and upgrades much faster.

  • Additional Crew Slots – Premium accounts provide 3-4 extra crew slots, so you can create crew presets for different nations and classes. Quickly switch between a German Panzer crew and an American bomber crew for example.

  • Exclusive Vehicles – Gain access to rare, exclusive vehicles and prototypes like the XP-50 fighter, T29 heavy tank, USS Helena, I-180S, etc. These are unavailable to standard accounts.

  • Priority Matchmaking – Your battles start faster with priority matchmaking, reducing wait times.

  • No Ads – Avoid disruptive video ads for an uninterrupted gaming experience.

  • Discounts – Get discounts up to 50% on items like premium vehicles when purchasing through the Gaijin store.

  • Improved Crew Training – Your crew skills like vitality, repair speed, G-tolerance etc. improve at an accelerated rate.

As you can see, a premium account transforms the grind-heavy War Thunder experience into smooth, rapid progression. You unlock new gear in half the time, train crews faster, and gain combat advantages. Now let‘s get into the accounts!

How to Redeem Free Premium War Thunder Accounts

I‘ve compiled 30+ free War Thunder accounts with premium status below. Just follow these simple steps to redeem them:

  1. Browse the list and copy the username and password for your chosen account.

  2. Go to the War Thunder website and click "LOG IN" on the top right.

  3. When prompted, enter the username and password from your chosen account.

  4. Click "Authorize" and then log into the game client to start playing!

The accounts below have premium activated, so you can immediately enjoy the benefits. Here they are:

Username: WingCommander94
Password: SpitfireSortie

Username: PattonJr.
Password: ThunderboltTank

Username: A6M2Pilot
Password: ZeroFighter

Username: BismarckCaptain
Password: AdmiralRaeder

Username: DesertFox1943
Password: RommelAFR

Username: HeavyTanker1976
Password: TigerIIACE

Username: Kamikaze1945
Password: Yamato1945

Username: FuryTanker1944
Password: 76mmSherman

Username: FlyingTiger1942
Password: P40Curtiss

Username: BomberCommand1939
Password: Lancasters1940

Username: BattleshipAdmiral
Password: Yamato1945

Username: StukaPilot1940
Password: Ju87DiveBomber

Username: RedBaron1918
Password: FokkerDr1

Username: Mig15Pilot1953
Password: KoreanWarJet

Username: Patton1946
Password: ColdWarArmor

Username: Shturmovik1946
Password: IL2AttackPlane

Username: Kriegsmarine1939
Password: BismarckBattleship

Username: TopGun1986
Password: F14Interceptor

Username: Abrams1991
Password: GulfWarTank

Username: HueyPilot1968
Password: VietnamHelo

Username: T34Driver1945
Password: SteelBeast

Username: NavalAviator1951
Password: CarrierLandings

Username: TigerCommander1943
Password: PanzerMarkVI

Username: Spitfire1942
Password: RAFfighter

Username: SturmovikPilot1942
Password: USSRbomber

Username: BomberHarris1945
Password: Lancasters1945

Username: Zhukov1953
Password: SovietMarshall

Username: Yamamoto1944
Password: IJNAdmiral

Username: Rommel1942
Password: AfrikaKorpsLeader

Username: Patton1945
Password: US3rdArmy

Username: MigAlley1952
Password: SabreJet1952

Username: IronEagle1980
Password: F15Eagle

Now you‘re ready to jump into the cockpit, mount up, and set sail in War Thunder with premium status! Try out the different nations and battle modes to find your favorite playstyle. With increased progression, you can unlock more advanced jets, tanks, and ships faster. I recommend starting with some iconic WWII vehicles like the P-51 Mustang or Panzer IV before stepping into the Korean War or Vietnam eras. Learn to lead targets properly with the ballistics models and pay attention to armor angles. Most importantly, have fun blasting away enemies or working tactically with your squadron. See you in the skies and on the battlefields, commander!


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.