I don’t usually write blog posts at 7pm and have them go out fresh, but I really wanted to share some excellent news for people who love to use secret boards.
Pinterest users are now allowed to create unlimited secret boards. I don’t know if this feature has been rolled out to everyone on Pinterest yet, or if it’s something that’s just in the testing, but I do know that this was one of the most requested features on the visual social network.
Create as Many Secret Boards on Pinterest
Here’s a screen capture of my MCNG Pinterest account that shows that I have 11 secret boards. When Pinterest first started out with secret boards, users were only allowed to create three, and then Pinterest eventually bumped that up to six, but now I don’t know if there is a limit. It could be a lot, but I didn’t want to keep creating secret boards to find out what the limit was.
Downfall of Secret Boards
While I love that we can all create more secret boards now, the only problem is that if you create too many is that you can’t actually move them with your mouse on the desktop version of Pinterest. This means if you’re planning on using Pinterest as a tool for a lot of planning then you may have to dig through the mess to find the one you’re looking for.
What Does that Mean For Me and You
Well depending on what your goals are, there’s actually a lot that you can do with secret boards. With more secret boards you can actually use it to track more competitors without them knowing. You can pin their pins onto your secret boards and make notes in the descriptions. This way you can see if there are patterns to their popular pins.
For businesses it means that they can use Pinterest as a visual tool to plan out multiple projects. These pins which should NOT reveal confidential information may be used to plan out projects in the upcoming months. Such as sketches for retail displays, or sharing helpful articles. Just make sure that it’s information that’s not going to get people into any trouble if it’s leaked.
And remember that secret boards can act as secret group boards as well, if you need more than one team member to access them.
Whatever it is that you decide to do, secret boards are a great way to plan and organize information.
On a personal note, now I can plan out multiple itineraries for my future trips. I know I’m going to Japan for sure, and will be adding Brazil on the list.
What about yourself, now that you have the choice of unlimited boards, how are you going to use them for yourself or your business?